Wattpad Novel

Monday, March 5, 2012

On Prevention of Amoebiasis

Amebiasis may be a water borne infection, but as cited, amoebiasis or amebiasis is really caused by unsanitary surroundings and dirty habits. It can originate from food contaminated by the amoeba cysts. This usually happens when the hands of the cook or food handler are unclean.

Flies are also carriers of the amoeba cysts. When flies land on the feces of an infected individual, these can spread the amoeba cysts instantly.

The amoeba cysts, upon ingestion travel for the small intestines. Here, the amoeba cysts stay and develop into full grown parasites. After three weeks, the amoeba parasites attack the large intestines causing dysentery – a condition which involves stomach pain, diarrhea that may include mucous and sometimes blood.

Individuals who are suffering from amoebiasis are often separated from the household members. Personal belongings and items such as spoon and fork are provided exclusively for the use of patient to avoid the spread of disease.