Wattpad Novel

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Drug Case: Isosorbide Mononitrate Mistaken For Uniretic

Moexipril HCL + hydrochlorothiazide with the brand name Uniretic – a product of Schwarz Pharma is beige colored tablet. It is an anti-hypertensive drug with a diuretic property available as a loose tablet in plastic containers of 100’s.

A woman was buying this kind of drug in an off-white color. The pharmacist had been patient in explaining that beige was the only color of Uniretic. Frustrated, the customer went home to get the sample that she bought from another drugstore. She returned shortly with an off-white loose tablet. The pharmacist was troubled recognizing it at once. It was an isosorbide mononitrate 60 mg manufactured also by Schwarz Pharma.