Wattpad Novel

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vitamins & Supplements: CGF, Taurine and Lysine

  • CGF as a height enhancer
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) is a nucleotide-peptide complex of substances found only in chlorella - green algae, important for its potential food and energy source. CGF is named for its growth-stimulating properties since it is responsible for chlorella’s ability to produce or multiply for every 20 hours.

CGF is said to be an excellent component to enhance a child’s growth since it contains nucleic acids that can serve as building blocks for the growth potential and tissue repair. CGF causes children and young animals to grow at an accelerated rate and damaged tissue to speed up its rate of healing.

  • Taurine for better memory
Taurine is also abundant in the human brain. As mentioned above, it promotes the survival and proliferation of neurons. Taurine is also a strong activator of the gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA - the brain's key inhibitory transmitter which is also involved in brain development.
  • Lysine as an appetite stimulant
Lysine is not actually an appetite enhancer like Pizotifen. But as stated in one of its benefits above, it is an essential amino acid and one of its function is it helps in the production of enzymes which aid in digestion. And with much motivated digestion, food craving is a positive result.