Wattpad Novel

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Medicine Tablet Types

  • Chewable tablet
Antacids and most vitamin tablets are designed as chewable types. These forms are agreeable tasting that no water is necessary for a follow up. While chewable tablets are applicable for antacids for fast relief, these types are also beneficial for people and younger individuals who are incapable in swallowing a regular tablet type.

  • Sublingual tablet
This form is placed under the tongue for immediate effect. An example is Isordil sublingual 5mg. This drug is normally administered for minor heart palpitation attacks.

Image by the author

  • Buccal tablet
Same as sublingual, the use of a buccal tablet is to make a drug work faster. However, instead of placing the tablet under the tongue, a buccal tablet is placed at the side of the cheek or between the lip gums. Like the sublingual type, a buccal tablet also contains active ingredients that should be absorbed through the oral mucosa to avoid being destroyed by the GIT.

Fentanyl (Fentora) tablet for cancer pain is a buccal tablet type.

  • Implantation tablet
Implantation tablets are also known as pellets. These types are without excipients or additives (disintegrants, colorants, lubricants etc.) Implantations tablets must be sterile because they are inserted into the body tissues by surgical procedures. An example is testosterone hormone and stilbestrol. Implantation is designed to be more compact thus, has slow solubility into the body tissues. However, these tablets have been replaced by other dosage form such as diffusion controlled silicone tubes filled with drug or biodegradable polymers that contain entrapped drug in assortment of forms.