Most pain killers and anti-rheumatic drugs result to ulceration and liver damage for prolong use. These untoward reactions are the usual reasons more people switch to natural alternatives. There are a lot of herbs and medicinal plants for rheumatism. However, not all can be beneficial. Some can produce serious side-effects and some can even be carcinogenic.
Here are the five natural remedies that should be avoided for rheumatism.
Medicago sativa linne (Fam Leguminosae)

Alfalfa or lucerne has a reputation for arthritic relief. It can stimulate appetite thus recommended for weight gain. More to this, its dried leaves, flowering tops and seeds have stimulating property when brewed into a tea. However, studies reveal that the alfalfa seeds can cause SLE or systemic lupus erythematosus - a chronic inflammatory connective tissue disorder that can affect joints, kidneys, mucous membranes, and blood vessel walls. If a person has already suffered from SLE, the use of alfalfa may result to recurrence of this disease.